Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Give money to the good guys. Even small amounts make a big difference if everyone pitches in. These people are working hard on things we care about - let's help them out if we can.
  • Help take back the Senate. Give to Barbara Boxer’s PAC for Change, which is funding promising Democratic candidates for 2006.
  • Give money to the DNC. Dean is doing a fantastic job, and he needs small contributors to keep up the momentum so he can tell the fatcats it's not their private party any more. (Bankruptcy bill, anyone?)
  • Give it up for Amnesty International. They're taking a big risk to aggressively challenge this cabal on the issue of torture.
  • Contribute to the Sibel Edmonds defense fund. Edmonds began working for the FBI shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, translating top-secret documents pertaining to suspected terrorists. She was fired in the spring of 2002 after reporting her concerns about sabotage, intimidation, corruption and incompetence to superiors. Edmonds is a key witness in a pending class-action suit filed by 9/11 families against the government.
  • Join the ACLU for as little as $20 and help them fight the more egregious provisions of the USA Patriot Act.
  • Support the Maine Democratic Party so they can find, train, and run Democratic candidates all over the state - and win!

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