Wednesday, November 09, 2011

I didn't realize it had got quite this bad

Holy smokes:
"The Republican Party has totally abdicated its job in our democracy, which is to act as the guardian of fiscal discipline and responsibility," says David Stockman, who served as budget director under Reagan. "They're on an anti-tax jihad – one that benefits the prosperous classes."
And for extra credit, he calls Grover Norquist a "fiscal terrorist."

It's off to Fox reeducation camp for you, Mr. Stockman.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Worth remembering

Worth remembering:
The U.S. does not have oil. Exxon has oil. The Koch Bros have oil. When the oil is in our ground, Exxon (or whoever) owns it. That gives them the right to spend some of their billions to bribe (sorry, campaign-contribute, lobby) our public officials to let them drill it out.
Then they put it on the open market, where we have the right to bid against the entire rest of the planet to poison ourselves with it.

Friday, November 04, 2011

On conservative victimhood

Amanda Marcotte:
Meanwhile, across the nation, people are losing their jobs and homes, and dying of treatable illnesses because they don’t have health insurance. With real victimhood all around us, it’s hard to find an ounce of sympathy for someone who feels victimized because they aren’t teaching creationism in schools, because they have to pay their taxes, or because they have to endure pressing “1” for English when they call AT&T.
She goes on to argue that conservatives are losing their hold on the national conversation. Hope she's right.

Food for thought

A discussion last night on the nature of evil led me to revisit M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie, where he says:
For adults to be the victims of evil, they must be powerless to escape. They may be powerless when a gun is held to their head...Or they may be powerless by virtue of their own failure of courage...Whenever adults not at gunpoint become victims of evil it is because they have - one way or another - bound [themselves] by chains of laziness and dependency....settling for a child's impotence.
And this further from Erich Fromm, The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil:
The longer we continue to make the wrong decisions, the more our heart hardens; the more often we make the right decisions, the more our heart softens--or better perhaps, comes alive...Most people fail at the art of living not because they are inherently bad or so without will that they cannot lead a better life; they fail because they do not wake up and see when they stand at a fork in the road and have to decide. They are not aware when life asks them a question, and when they still have alternative answers. Then with each step along the wrong road it becomes increasingly difficult for them to admit that they are on the wrong road.